Tasha visits Ravnica


Released last November, «Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything» presents a real plethora of new material for players and DMs alike. Among all those enriched rules, there are between two and three new sub-classes for every core class (including the official introduction of the Artificer to the game rules outside Eberron). The «Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica» has in pages 23-25 some recommendations on how different classes and sub-classes fit into each guild, and that’s exactly what we’re going to do in this article: to accommodate all these new options into the Ravnica setting, considering each guild’s ethos, purpose and available mechanics. Unlike the Guildmaster’s Guide, we’ll take a guild- by-guild approach. All this is of course a personal point of view on «conventional» characters: you can always ask your DM for recommendations and advice to see how your character belongs to his/her guild.

The Azorius Senate is an ideal guild for cleric and paladins of lawful alignment. For all matter related to law and order, we have found these sub-classes:

  • Bard (College of Eloquence): experts at oratory, these bards use both logic and wordplay, in a blend that makes us think of lawmages.
  • Sorcerer (Clockwork Soul): the cosmic force of order here is a power that comes straight from the Guildpact and its everlasting power over the city.

As the law enforcers of Ravnica, the Boros Legion is an ideal guild for fighters, monks and paladins (even a few bards) of lawful (and passionate!) alignment.

  • Cleric (Peace Domain): Often asked to arbitrate in disputes, these clerics are all about helping their colleagues when need arises to achieve peace.
  • Fighter (Rune Knight): As it comes from giants, rune magic is a natural thing for the guild, and even better if its purpose is to help their wielders in combat.
  • Paladin (Oath of Glory): Firm believers that they and their companions are destined to achieve glory through deeds of heroism, these paladins protect innocents as they enjoy the recognition that comes with their actions.

House Dimir, the tenth guild, the unknown and the unseen, is home for rogues and assassins, and even arcane necromancers of evil alignment.

  • Fighter (Psi Warrior): augmenting their physical might with psionic abilites, that include psychic weapons, telekinetic lashes, and barriers of mental force, mind over matter seems a good fit for Dimir enforcers that can reach into your mind.
  • Monk (Way of the Astral Self): A little re-flavor would be needed in this case, but powers that come from a state of mind in which dreams and illusions are a requirement, these monks are a true force for chaos in service to the powerful Dimir overlords.
  • Rogue (Soulknife): just as their fighter counterparts, these rogues use the power of their minds to strike and infiltrate, not caring about physical nor psychic barriers.
  • Sorcerer (Aberrant): the Dimir secret locations are all about monstrous aberrations roaming and devouring your mind. Some of them find the way to influence people being born around, so it’s not rare that some «touched» can now touch other minds with that power.

The Golgari Swarm welcomes druids, rangers and rogues of neutral and evil alignment with a focus on fungus, insects and the undead.

  • Ranger (Swarmkeeper): Some of these hermits keep to themselves and their attendant swarms, mostly composed of centipedes and other unpleasant insects.
  • Warlock (Pact of the Undead): coming from «Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft», this pact deals with everything related to life and death, so this guild is definitely the best fit.

In the outskirts of the city, the Gruul Clans group up barbarians, druids and rangers of chaotic alignment.

  • Barbarian (Beast, Wild Magic): Both the barbarians who draw their rage from an innate beast within their souls as the ones who recur to a magic-suffused rage fight for the freedom you can only get outside society.
  • Druid (Circle of Wildfire): On the other hand, druid that embrace destruction as a necessary process for creation also find their place among the clans, but mainly in the most prominent one, the Burning Tree.

The crazy scientists of the Izzet League include mostly sorcerers and artificers of chaotic alignment.

  • Artificer (Armorer, Artillerist, Battle Smith): When the «Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica» was released, the artificer was still in Unearthed-Arcana status (meaning it was non-official content), and as such, it wasn’t included in the book. Obviously, it’s a perfect choice for the inventors’ guild, but we’re saving the alchemist for another one that also has a somewhat scientific approach.
  • Warlock (Genie Pact): I think this is the most extreme stretch from all the sub-classes. It requires heavy re-flavor, treating the genies more like Elemental Lords in order to fit this guild.

As bank and church at the same time, the Orzhov Syndicate is an ideal guild for fighters, clerics and paladins of neutral (or sometimes even evil) alignments.

  • Cleric (Twilight Domain): Another stretch comes to the Church of Deals: These clerics often brings calm and even joy, as the day’s labors end and the hours of rest begin, but in Ravnica this always comes at a price.
  • Monk (Way of Mercy): These life-force-manipulating servants bring aid to those in need as wandering physicians, but also, in Ravnica, this comes at a price. As enforcers, they can also be handy bringing death to the ones who haven’t paid their debts and are close to the end of their lives.

In the brink between what is acceptable for society and what is not, the Cults of Rakdos use barbarians, bards, fighters and fiend warlocks of neutral and evil alignment among their ranks.

  • Rogue (Phantom): Risking their own lives as they walk between life and death, these rogues are the information gatherers for the demon lord Rakdos and his servient blood witches.
  • Wizard (Bladesinger): More focused on the spectacle aspect of the guild, bladesingers incorporates swordplay and dance into devastating attacks that enthrall their audiences.

Taking care of the delicate balance between nature and civilization, the Selesnya Conclave is the ideal guild for druids and rangers, as well as to any other characters related to nature.

  • Bard (College of Creation): The Song of Creation sure sounds as something Selesnyan, as its melodies «delighted the stones and trees».
  • Paladin (Oath of Watchers): as the most opposite to Dimir colors (black-blue facing white-green), protecting the world from aberrations falls into Selesnyan sphere, I guess.
  • Ranger (Fey Wanderer): feys are natural (pun intended) allies of the guild, so their blessings are always around their watchful guardians.

Finally, the Simic Combine is home (or laboratory) for artificers and wizards of neutral alignments with a knack for creation and science endeavours.

  • Artificer (Alchemist): Being experts at combining different ingredients to accomplish spectacular effects, such as playing with give life (and also leeching it away) these artificers seemed a better fit to become biomancers.
  • Druid (Circle of Stars): one last stretch here, as no guild actually uses astronomy, hehe. These druids’ approach to nature is the closest to nature that there is, and being the blue-green guild, it doesn’t look like a big stretch anyway.
  • Warlock (Fathomless Pact): The only things that feel like oceans in Ravnica are the zonots, and they belong to the Simic. Drawing power from its depths, whatever the purpose, belongs within the guild.
  • Wizard (Order of the Scribes): The most academic of wizards (talking about redundance) have a very scientific approach to the study of magic, and since they are more into theory than chaotic practice, they seem to belong more to the Simic than to the Izzet.


What do you think of our logic into fitting these new sub-classes unto the Guilds of Ravnica? Do you have some other ideas or options? Let us know in the comments below!

3 Comentarios Agrega el tuyo

  1. juanrusso dice:

    Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything has become crucial for any character building. You could even say it´s part of the Core Sourcebooks now.

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