The Godsend was the swordspear that was wielded by Elspeth Tirel on Theros. Once upon a time, when the God Purphoros raised arms against Heliod, he crafted the Sword of Chaos which was capable of damaging the substance of Nyx. When Heliod and Purphoros clashed, it damaged the celestial resting place of Polukranos, World Eater and the hydra fell to Theros where it was sealed by Nylea and Heliod under the Nessian Forest.
«Only by the bravery of those who put loyalty above glory is our home kept safe.»
At the moment of the clash, Elspeth had just planeswalked to Theros for the first time. She saw the Sword of Chaos falling from the sky, grasped it and planeswalked away. When she returned to Theros, ten years later, Heliod was angry at her at first. But when the god realized she might be the Champion of the Sun reborn he reforged the sword into the Godsend. Elspeth used her new weapon to defeat the awakened Polukranos.
Journeying into Nyx, Elspeth also defeated Xenagos, stabbing him with Godsend. But as a «reward», Heliod told her that no champion should know more than her god and because she knew and had seen places he didn’t know, he stabbed her with the sword-spear, which shattered afterwards. Dying, Elspeth became confined to the Underworld of Erebos. A deathmask was forged for her, using the two jewels of Godsend.
In Dungeons & Dragons
Weapon (swordspear), artifact (requires attunement)
- Magic Weapon. Godsend is a magic weapon that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.
- Properties. When holding Godsend, you emit a soft light permanently and as an action, you can cast Thaumaturgy. Additionally, when you hit with a weapon attack while attuned to Godsend, the target takes an extra 2d6 slashing damage.
- Change Shape. As a bonus action, you can change Godsend’s shape into any weapon you have proficiency with that deals slashing or piercing damage.
- Blessing of Heliod. When an evil creature is dealt a critical hit or is hit using Godsend as a reaction (granted by a class feature or feat), it’s subject to the effects of a banishment spell (DC 15). Unlike the spell, this effect does not require components or concentration, and the banished creature can attempt a saving throw at the end of each of its turns until it fails a third, in which case it doesn’t return.
- Mandate of Heliod. When you first attune to Godsend, it gives you a quest as determined by the DM. You must complete this quest as if affected by the geas spell. Once you completed the quest, it gives you another unless you are of Lawful Good alignment. If you are, you are no longer affected by this property.
- Destroying Godsend. As it was crafted by the God Purphoros, Godsend can only be destroyed willingly by him using his hammer onto it, or by submerging it in the lave of the most recent volcano the God manifested from.
In Eberron
When incorporating Godsend into Eberron, we need to change the gods involved, as the deities in Eberron are quite different. We can have Elspeth as a saint dedicated to the Silver Flame, and this fabulous weapon can be a relic of the faith. For additional quest purposes, you can have it buried along the remains of the defeated hydra… and maybe when removed such monster can come back to terrorize the heroes.
And you, how are you going to use such a brave sword? Are you ready to join the knights of the Kingdom of Galifar? What virtue prevails over the others for your character?
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