A short interview with Keith Baker about the future of Eberron.
Etiqueta: 12+1
The Artificer’s Apprentice
Artificers in Eberron draw power from the magic inside objects, changing the flow of energy to make items temporarily magical.
The World in the High Cosmology
Eberron is the material plane at the center of a multiverse that has planes traveling around it in orbits.
House of Marks
The magical symbols known as dragonmarks look like tattoos, but they glow vibrantly with innate magic.
Chasing Ruty
Do you know what Ruty Rutenberg likes about Eberron? You’re about to!
Apocalypse, then
In the 100th year of the conflict, a great cataclysm of unknown origin destroyed the nation of Cyre, ending the war in the worst possible way.
War of Thrones
The Last War, a conflict that raged for over a century, radically changed Eberron.
Pirates of the Lhazaar Sea
Pirate lords and merchant princes control the islands and waves of the Lhazaar Sea.
Rising from the Ashes
Satine Phoenix is the first of our three special guests in 12 (+1) Days of Eberron. Get to know her a little better!
The Silver Compass
A schismatized pantheon, a pious theocracy, some dark cults and radiant undeads populate Eberron’s faiths.
Fantastic races and where to find them
Eberron introduces four fantastic races to play with.
Crime and the City
Let’s talk about Sharn, the City of Towers, and what an urban environment can bring to a fantasy campaign.